"Thanks for your service, it's much needed and appreciated in the cyber
jungle out there. I hope you can keep it up for many years to come!" - BI
"I have recommended your site to my friends in the media
and elsewhere. Your website is excellent. Thank you for all of your hard work." - CSWB
"Many thanks for your diligence in keeping RefDesk a quality reference
site. It's been my Home Page for a few years now. Wishing you and
yours and happy and healty New Year!!" - JES
- "Just wanted to wish you and yours a very merry Christmas
and to thank you for your site. Refdesk has been my homepage for
about 10 years now. God bless and happy holidays." - R
"First Thank you very much for your hard work and ambition in bringing
us the (net users) such a great web sit.. While times have been very
ruff for me personally this year I hate seeing you struggle so hard to
just raise 50 grand, when your great site brings so many viewers and
users.. I would suggest a one time user fee of say $0.50 that's right
a whole .50 cents from everyone,could truly fund your site well over
the amount you seek, while I believe retaining your current level of
viewers. Just a suggestion and again thank you and Matt for your hard
work and devotion to your ideas." - WCW
"Bob, I just want to tell you how grateful I am for Refdesk.com. You
have been providing an extraordinarily excellent service to me for
about twelve years now. Hopefully, your donations will continue to
grow to reflect the value of your site. Best wishes for the holidays and the New Year." - MD
"Thank you for all of your daily information during 2009! Appreciated
and enjoyed! You are dedicated!" - C
"Refdesk has been set as my homepage since I discovered it, by mistake,
several years ago. That is the issue though. I discovered it by
mistake. Too few people know about the site. How can we spread the
word?" - FJ
"Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year, Bob. You have the best
start page on the net-no one else comes close!"
"We're seniors primarily living on S/S. You've done a great job with
Refdesk over the years! We're sorry we can't contribute...we support
two African children thru World Vision and a few (local to Florida)
very needy charaties. Our 'retirement' 401K took a hit as well (but
not as bad as others)! Just wanting to wish you & your team a VERY
MERRY Christmas & a VERY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! Keep up the great
work!" - FK
"I really like your web site. Keep up the web site! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!" - S
"If I had a job and some dollars to offer those who are worthy, you'd
be the first place I'd be giving(after donations to needy kids). I do
occasional computer fixits for some elderly folk and often point them
towards refdesk as an item to bookmark. Sadly, too often it's further
than they desire to go. They want to check their email and click on
whatever links they've been offered, watch the video and that's it.
So many portals on the web are under-maintained and out of date. A
vast majority of them are just plain useless to begin with. You, sir,
have created what I consider to be *the* single, functional portal on
the web. I'm not religious and I don't do holidays, but I hope you
the best now and always. I don't like to buy t-shirts with corporate
names on them because paying to advertise for someone else is not
something I'm attracted to. I don't see that you are selling bumper
stickers but if you cold provide a high res pic of your logo, I have a
t-shirt maker kit that needs to be used up." - FP
"Been using you as my homepage since i learned what the net was about.
many thanks, sir." - D
"It has been a pleasure for me to boot up and find your always so helpful and interesting page. I thank you for the hard work you do to make my life not just easier, but a little richer, too. Happy Holidays." -VS
"I love your Refdesk page. Thanks so much for designing it and sharing
it with the public. Merry Christmas!" - CG
"Man, many thanks for a great site. Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year." - SS
"Thank you so much for the years of great service. I have refdesk.com
as my homepage and contribute every year. Your site is so
comprehensive. I use it in a variety of ways every day, in addition to
its main task as being my homepage. Last night I viewed several
international newspapers you had listed to coordinated information
that we received here from our press. It was very insightful. Thanks
again and Happy New Year" - MP
"What a superb job. I (we) thank you for it." - A
"Refdesk became my home page after reading Colin Powell's choice in
2001, and it's no less comprehensive and helpful after 8 years. Many
thanks, Merry Christmas & a Happy and Healthy New Year." - BM
"Bob, thanks for building Refdesk, I would almost be lost without it." - L
"You are my Home Page!" Happy Holiday." - DCA
"Thank you for the best website on the internet. Have a
great holiday and best wishes for the new year." - J
"Why not a subscription fee of $5.00 yearly? - WB
"We have made refdesk.com our homepage now for several years. It is the
best! We live in Milwaukee." - S
"I love refdesk, visit it and use it many times a week
and tell my friends about it. I'm a computer programmer (COBOL) and
I'll be retiring from the Social Security Administration soon. I'd be
interested if you'd suggest any books for HTML or learning how to
assemble and maintain a WEB site." - PS
"You have a "great" referencing site! Keep up the good
work!" - M
"Buen trabajo, Bob!" ("Good job.") - HC
"Hello, Bob ... I use refdesk as my browser ... I can't thank you
enuff for all your information, and free of charge ... also, you're
always there when I need you ... happy holidays to you, my friend, a
fruitful, healthy and prosperous new year." - DG
"You are my home page, and have been for years. I appreciate your hard
work. Merry Christmas." - S
"I love Refdesk and tell everyone I know. It's not only a great
reference source but also an escape from the madness of today's ad-
popping, sensory-overloading culture of commercialism. Keep the great
work going!" - CR
"Absolutely the best website on the planet. Thanks for everything and
all your hard work." - A
"As much as I would like to find out information about getting a "fee
back" :-) I think you mean feedback. You do a very good job - I don't
think I have ever seen a typo before." - DM
"I don't know what I'd do without Refdesk! It's my home page and now my
husband and son's, and it has been for a number of years. Thanks for
your diligence and innovation and all your time and effort!" - VF
"Every computer I have used I have bookmarked refdesk, simply the best.
Thank you for the dedication and the easy use of an vastly important
informational site." - R
"Refdesk is my first stop of the day and usually many more times during
the day. Thanks for everything you do." - C
"This website is a gift. I have given, and I will give again, as I
truly think you fill a gap that is much needed. I so appreciate the
fact that the news itself is off to one side, NOT the main issue, and
that all the other wonderful services, supports and sites that you
offer are up-front and accessible. Thanks to you for soomething truly
unique in this day of innundation and insult. Much appreciated." - K
"Thank you very much for refdesk! Congrats on a great year." - M
"I have been using Refdesk as my default since I learned about it from
a friend in the US Embassy here in the Philippines in mid-1990s. He
mentioned that it is the favorite website of then Sec of State Colin
Powell, who was and is highly-respected here in Asia. Well, I have
spread the Gospel about Refdesk countless times and the retention rate
is very high!! I think you should seek a more certain means of
maintaining the very useful website through some kind of basic,
voluntary request for an annual entry fee, say $10 per year, more or
less. I myself had donated between $50 and $25, depending on my cash
flow, or rather, credit card billing. Keep it up and God Bless you." - RMJ
"Thank you very much for all you effort and expertise, I use the ref
desk as my home page and find it most usefull. Happy Holidays and
prosperous New Year." - M
"I agree with everything that was stated on your "Feedback Page." I
would just like to add that research would have been so much easier
back in high school, college, and grad school if I had your website
back then! Good luck in keeping Refdesk going. Have the Merriest of
Christmases and a Happy New Year." - GK
"Thank You for your effort. This is my homepage and I love it. It is
an example of what IS right in the world. Keep up the great work." - A
"Congratulations on reaching your goal. I've been using refdesk as my
home page for many years now and have told several people about it.
It's just like having a library reference desk as my home page that
can take me just about anywhere I want to go right from there. I love
it." - K
"Your site has provided an excellent example of what Goffman calls
agenda setting of news stories. Thanks, it helped me in my
communications theories class. I don't know if you followed Yahoo news
or formerly Breitbart as to choosing what stories you thought people
should read, but statically I discovered an obvious political agenda.
Thanks for the help." - HT
"Congratulations!... i have been using your site as my homepage for
years, and think the world of it. I recommend it heartily! happy
holidays!" - MA
"I'm sorry I can't afford to contribute, but refdesk is the greatest!" - B
"Refdesk has been my home page and favorite internet site for several
years now. You perform a valuable service, and do it very well.
Thanks." - CM
"Thank you so much for giving us the coolest site on the web. Refdesk
is what the Internet was supposed to have been all along. Much sincere
gratitude for an incredible job. I'd be completely lost without you!" - RW
"You're doing a great job, Bob! Keep up the good work. I recommend your
site all the time." - M
"I have refdesk.com as my homepage. As I am an information 'junkie',
I've spent countless hours over the years perusing the links and
recommended sites. Thank you sooooooo much!" - CD
"Congratulations on hitting your financial goal! Thanks for your
excellent site. It's a never ending source of useful and interesting
material for me on a daily basis. Seasons Greetings!" - JS
"Thank you Mr Drudge and anyone else who contributes to the Refdesk
page which is just great as a home page, and is so reliable as to
being kept up to the present day which must take much effort I an
sure. I like the background feeling that we are dealing with a person and there is a form of relationship. Keep going." - NH
"Dear Mr. Drudge: What a great website. I will however take a teeny
tiny piece of credit for your successful year as I told all my college
professors at Del Mar College in Corpus Christi about your site! Keep
up the good work. Your site is amazing." - LW
"Thank you Bob for your great website. I've been a fan for years. Fom Brussels, Belgium." - PP
"Many, many thanks for your website, both my husband and I have
recommended Refdesk to friends and collegues alike and they now rave
about it. I hope to see it for years to come. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year." - CB
"Thanks for a great website. I use it daily (along with your son's).
Any thoughts about using CNS news service? Yahoo is very left wing
biased in the stories they pick. If you used both Yahoo and CNS it
would be more balanced. It would also drive more people to your web
site and generate more dollars for you as that is why your son's web
site is so popular, it highlights stories that the leftist press
mostly ignores with it's headlines. Thanks again for your website." - RV
"Refdesk has been my home page for about the last ten years. Thanks for
making my life easier. Enjoyed the story about you, the guy behind my more efficient use of the internet." - C
"Thank you for the best possible home page. i appreciate all of your
efforts over the years. Keep up the good work." - T
"Dear Bob Drudge: Thank you very much for being there. I really appreciate RefDesk and all the work you do. I hope you have a Happy Christmas, and all the best for 2010. From Australia." - MM
"I love refdesk and recommend it to everyone! It was invaluable when I
was a working journalist, and I can't do without it. Thanks, Bob,
for producing the best webpage ever!" - MP
"I'm delighted that the 100% mark was reached. refdesk.com is an
invaluable part of my online life and, as a 'subscriber' I'd hate to
see you go. Thank you for all the good you do....best wishes for a
happy, healthy, peaceful and prosperous 2010!" - EK
"I'm so glad you made your goal by Christmas... You are my first stop
every am. Thanks so much." - JB
"Thank you Bob and all the supporters who have help keep one of the
best web site on the net. Best wishes to all and happy hoilday." - M
"Thanks for providing a great site." - TM
"Refdesk has been my homepage since it began. My mother, a
retired librarian, recommended it way back when. It has been there for
me through graduate school, 9/11, and countless other occassions, big and small.
Nice to see everyone else likes it to!" - PM
"I just wanted you to know that Refdesk has been my homepage for more
years than I can remember and I think it is the best Website on the
Internet. From there, I can and do spend many hours everyday learning
about the world around me... Thank you for a wonderful launch pad!!" - SM
"I have refdesk as my homepage on IE. I don't read the info very often, but when I do take time, I enjoy the many choices of articles,information and links that are provided. Great Service! Merry Christmas and a Fullfilling 2010!" - RH
"Please keep up the great work. I use it multiple times a day and have for years and years. I would be lost without it and I would become illiterate again!" - JDS
"For a great website. A friend directed me to it years ago and it's now my homepage. All the best in 2010." - NN
"Hi, just wanted to tell you that Refdesk is my homepage...I love it! It's nice to see a face of a person who works constantly to provide quality information.... sorry I haven't contributed...I'm basically poor.....but , thank you. Thank You!!" - WM
"Happy Holidays Bob. This is my favorite site by far. Keep up the fine work." - KO
"Your gift to the world has being providing the miracle of access
to all kinds of information. I have shared refdesk with people from
all over. I began using this source almost solely when I heard Colin
Powell announce that it was his favorite site on the internet. At the
time I was a Legislative Assistant to the recent Senate President of
the State of Alaska... Internet research was unwieldy at best. I have
never turned back after finding anything and everything right here at
my fingertips... May you be Blessed for keeping information easy
for the masses." - EEP
"Thanks for providing such a great site." - SJO
"Bob - thanks for providing a great website and one that has been my home page since you started up.... I tell my friends and business colleagues about RefDesk and encourage them to make it their home page as well. Thanks again and best wishes and success in 2010!" - TM
"Congratulations, Bob, and thank you for providing such a wonderful service to the cyber community. Best wishes for continued success, a happy holiday season,
and the best of new years!" - MS
"You're the best!! Thanks so much for providing this website. I
would be lost without it!" - MK
"I spent 30 yrs in the Army, but it was while I was assigned to one of
our embassies that I watched Colin Powell's town hall meeting --
Refdesk's been my homepage ever since. I've been contributing since
2002, so you've got a fan. Hope you can keep readership in the face of
so many other competitors." - RS
"First I must tell you that for several years i have been
promoting your site. It is, singularly, the most comprehensive and
productive site on the internet. L personally laud your inspiration,
response to it, and success in affecting so many millions of lives.
Indeed, you should hear, 'well done.' " - JC